Recommendations for contact lens wearers

Contact lenses are medical devices prescribes by a medical specialist, and must be handle with care. We bring you eight recommendations by the, to avoid eye infections associated with contact lenses use:

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  1. Replace your case every three months.

  2. Clean your case before add clean solution.

  3. If you wear contact lens sporadically: disinfect them before you wear them.

  4. Do not use water as a cleaning solution.

  5. Do not get in any water using your lenses at all: water has germs that can stick to contacts an cause serious infections.

  6. Always take off them before sleep.

  7. Give your eyes a breather every now and then (taking off your lenses).

  8. Follow the instructions for how long to wear your contact lenses: don´t try to extend the life of your contact lenses wearing them too much.


Answering questions from contact lens wearers


Cliara Robot: Contact Lens Insertion and Removal Apparatus